Agave — GDNC Nursery




Agaves, with their distinct rosette leaves, add drama and a sense of movement to the landscape.

Native mostly to dry climates in the Americas, the agave has adapted in different ways such as by growing a shallow root system to obtain water from the surface and by storing water in its succulent leaves.

Not only do these succulent leaves make the plant an excellent choice for xeriscaping, but also resist fire. In fact, the San Diego government included agaves in their recommended list of plants for creating defensible space around the home (source).

Although agaves are now seeing increased popularity in gardens in the United States, they have been a vital crop for the native population in the Americas for centuries. The Navajo, Mayans, Aztecs, and others used agaves for a wide variety of needs such as food, drinks, medicine, and fiber for creating rope and hunting tools. It is now most famously cultivated for agave nectar and tequila.

If you have an agave plant in your home, you have a plant of significant anthropological importance!


Various agaves for sale at the nursery

Various agaves for sale at the nursery


What are the most popular agave?

The most popular agaves at our nursery are the Agave americana and Agave truncata.

How much does agave cost?

The price ranges from $15 to $250 depending on the variety and size. For more information, go to our plant pricing page.

Is there an agave that has no thorns?

Agaves that have smoother edges include Agave attentuata, Agave desmettiana, Agave geminiflora, Octopus agave, and Queen Victoria agave.

Can agave get too much sun?

Yes, it's possible for agave to get burned depending on the variety as well as the intensity and duration of sunlight it receives. If this is a concern for you, please let us know, and we'd be happy to give you personalized recommendations.

Agave Fun Facts

The Aztecs called the agave “a gift from gods."

Most agaves are monocarpic, meaning once it blooms, it dies. However, this event does not affect their offsets or pups.

Blue Agave, whose official name is Agave Tequilana, is used to create- you guessed it- tequila.

Agave Americana is also known as a Century Plant because it takes such a long time for it to bloom. However, it usually takes around 10-30 years, not 100.

Agave For Sale

* Available sizes for most agaves: 1 gallon, 5 gallon, 15 gallon, 24-inch box. Contact us for the most up-to-date information on inventory.

Agave Americana

Agave Americana Variegated

Agave Angustifolia (Caribbean agave)

Agave Attenuata (Foxtail)

Agave Black Spined

Agave Blue Flame

Agave Blue Glow (Agave attenuata x Agave ocahui)

Agave Desmettiana (Smooth agave)

Agave Filifera

Agave Geminiflora (Twin Flowered Agave)

Agave Gypsophila

Agave Lechuguilla (Shindagger)

Agave Lophantha

Agave Lophantha Quadricolor

Agave Majestic (Franzosinii)

Agave Mediopicta

Agave Ocahui

Agave Parryi

Agave Potatorum

Agave Vilmoriniana (Octopus)

Agave Queen Victoria

Agave Salmiana Ferox

Agave Sharkskin

Agave Sisalana

Agave Tequiliana

Agave Truncata (Artichoke agave, Agave parryi var truncata)

Agave Weberi

Agave Whale’s Tongue