Octopus Agave
Octopus agave looks like what you may expect. It has long and narrow succulent leaves that twist and turn, kind of like octopus tentacles.
Not only will the whimsical shape catch your attention, but it can also grow to 6 feet tall and wide!
This striking agave makes for a great focal point, whether in a xeriscaped garden alongside other desert plants or poolside, in a container to accentuate the sea creature-like shape and form.
Botanical name: Agave vilmoriniana
Other names: Octopus century plant
Large octopus agaves for sale at our nursery
Octopus Agave Appearance
Octopus agave is a lively-looking plant with succulent leaves that twist and turn outwards from its central stem. The long and narrow leaves form curves and taper at the end. The margins are smooth to the touch and have no teeth. Light green in color.
This is a larger agave at about 5-6 feet tall and 5-6 feet wide when fully grown.
Octopus agave does not grow any offsets during its lifespan. At the end of its life, it will grow a 10-foot+ flower stalk. Small white-yellow flowers followed by tiny offsets called bulbils will form to continue its legacy.
Octopus Agave Landscaping Tips
Octopus agave is one the friendlier agaves when it comes to touch. Succulent leaves taper at the ends and are slightly prickly. However, relatively speaking, they aren’t as sharp as most agaves and are safer to be around.
Octopus agave grows moderately fast. Allow ample room for it to grow (6 X 6 feet).
Keep in partial shade in hot areas like Palm Springs or Phoenix to keep it looking healthy and green.
Looks great as a focal point in containers and desert gardens.
Great plant for areas that have sandy or rocky soil with poor nutrition.
Octopus Agave Origin
Octopus agave is native to warm, dry, and rocky areas in Mexico
Octopus Agave Care
Soil: Loose, well-draining soil.
Temperature: Can withstand temperatures down to 25 degrees for a short period of time.
Water: Occasional, deep watering. Allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. Either use a moisture meter or stick your finger through the soil to gauge the moisture level. It’s better to err on the side of underwatering than overwatering.
Sun: Full sun or partial shade. Partial shade for the Palm Springs region.
Octopus Agave Problems
Pests: Octopus agave has minimal pests. Fungal diseases from root rot, dry rot, and harsh weather conditions.
Signs of overwatering: Drooping, soft texture (especially an the bottom of the agave)
Signs of too little water: Shriveling, drying skin
Signs of too much sun: Burning (especially at the tips), scarring, fading color
Signs of too little sun: Etiolation, discoloring
Octopus Agave Propagation
Octopus agave will grow a flower stalk at the end of its life. Obtain the offsets on the stalk, and plant them in the desired location.
How much do Octopus Agaves cost?
At our nursery, Octopus agave costs $15 for a 1-gallon container, $45 for a 5-gallon container, $120 for a 15-gallon container, $225 for a 24-inch box, and $350 for a 30-inch box.
Prices are subject to change. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information on pricing. We may have larger sizes available. We provide installation services locally at a separate cost.
Is Octopus Agave prickly?
The leaves taper at the ends and are slightly prickly. However, relatively speaking, Octopus agave isn’t as sharp as most agaves and is safer to be around.
How big does an octopus agave get?
Octopus agave grows to 4-6 feet tall and equally wide once it’s mature.
SIZE (H X W) | 6 feet X 6 feet |
FLOWER SEASON | Blooms at the end of life cycle |
EXPOSURE | Full Sun to Partial Shade |
WATER | Low |
GROWTH RATE | Moderate |
HARDINESS | 25º F, USDA Zone 8 |
PRUNING | None |