Palm Tree — GDNC Nursery


Palm Tree


Generally, people associate palm trees with vacations, or a symbol for a tropical island getaway. However, palm trees are actually extremely diverse, including those that originate from habitats such as deserts and grasslands. After all, many of our cities in the Coachella Valley, such as Palm Springs, Palm Desert, and Thousand Palms, are named after palm trees (although some historians argue that an earlier name for the area was “Palm of God’s Hand”).

This diversity is what allows many people to enjoy palm trees inside or outside their homes, even if they don’t live in a warm coastal area. It goes without saying that selecting the right palm tree for your climate and location of the home is crucial for having happy and healthy palm trees for years to come.


California Fan Palms (Washingtonia Filifera) at our Nursery

California Fan Palms (Washingtonia Filifera) at our Nursery


What are the most popular palm trees?

The most popular palm trees at our nursery are the Mediterranean Fan Palms and California Fan Palms.

How much do PALM TREES cost?

The price ranges from $55 and upwards depending on the variety, size, and height. For more information, go to our plant pricing page.

Do all palm trees require lots of water?

Yes, but need much less once mature.

What are the best palm trees to grow in the desert- especially in the Palm Springs area?

California Fan Palms (Washingtonia filifera) are native to the Coachella Valley. For a shorter palm, we recommend Mexican Blue Palm, which does well in sunny and windy areas. Although it can grow to 40 ft tall in the ground, it looks beautiful in a large pot, which will keep it to your desired height, and also, it grows slowly- around 10 inches a year.

Rows of small Date Palm Trees

Rows of small Date Palm Trees

Palm Tree Fun Facts

The name "palm tree" originates from the shape of the leaves, which are similar to the palm of the hand. Palm trees that have leaves that fan out like the hand are said to have palmate leaves, while those that have leaves that look feather-like have pinnate leaves.

Coachella Valley produces over 90% of dates- fruits produced by date palms- grown in the USA. The annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival is hosted in Indio.

Some scientists claim that palm trees are not actual trees because they don't have bark or wood and do not develop growth rings.


Palm Trees For Sale

* Available sizes for most Palms include 15 gallons, 24-inch box, and larger. Contact us for the most up-to-date information on inventory.

Bismarck Palm (Bismarckia nobilis)

California Fan Palm (Washingtonia Filifera)

Date Palm

Elephant Foot (Ponytail Palm, Beaucarnea recurvata)

Madagascar Palm

Mediterranean Fan Palm

Mexican Blue Fan Palm

Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia Robusta)

Pindo Palms

Pygmy Date Palm

Sago Palm