Desert Shrub


Coming in many shapes and forms, shrubs are the most versatile element in the landscape.

Low-growing and dense shrubs provide excellent groundcover, and many have lower water needs compared to grass. Some shrubs provide beautiful blooms and colors, including evergreen shrubs and perennial shrubs that are colorful even in the desert landscape year-round. Some vining shrubs adorn architectural elements such as fences and pergolas, while also absorbing heat and providing shade. Some shrubs are used as hedges to provide privacy and create a sense of separation. And of course, some are planted simply to create additional interest on their own whether in a rock garden or desert landscape.

You may be surprised by how many different shrubs can take on the desert heat. Come to our nursery to explore the many options you have for your garden in mild or hot climates.


Various desert shrubs for sale at the nursery

Various desert shrubs for sale at the nursery


Which heat tolerant shrubs do you recommend for attracting pollinators?

Hummingbirds love red yucca, tecoma bell, and the firecracker plant and butterflies love milkweed and ruella.

Which shrubs do you recommend as ground cover in the desert?

There are so many options including carissa natal plum and rosemary. As a plus, rosemary can also be used for cooking!

Which flowering shrubs are drought and heat resistant?

Bird of paradise and lantanas do well in hot and dry areas.

What are the best heat resistant shrubs to use as hedges for privacy?

Ficus nitida and oleander are popular in the Palm Springs area and are good options.

Which vining shrubs do well in the heat?

Bougainvillea and tecoma tolerate the heat well and add beautiful colors to the landscape.

How much do shrubs cost?

The price ranges from $18 to $250 depending on the variety and size. For more information, go to our plant pricing page.

Shrub Fun Facts

The only food that Monarch caterpillars eat is the milkweed leaf. Without milkweed, Monarch butterflies would go extinct.

Rosemary oil was used for the first modern day perfume called "Hungary Water."

Bougainvilleas seem like they have big bright and colorful (often pink) flowers. However, if you look close, you'll see that the flowers are tiny and white. The big, showy petal-looking parts are actually bracts, which are modified leaves.

Green Carpet – Natal Plum (Carissa Macrocarpa)

Green Carpet – Natal Plum (Carissa Macrocarpa)

Shrub For Sale

* Available sizes for most shrubs: 5 gallon, 15 gallon, 24 inch box. Contact us for most up-to-date information on inventory.

Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum Sambac)

Arabian Jasmine Vine

Tropical Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Reginae)

Red Mexican Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)

Yellow Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia Gilliesii)

Beargrass (Nolina Microcarpa)

Bougainvillea (Bush, vine)

Bougainvillea (Torch Glow)

Boxwood (Buxus Sempervirens)

Brittle Bush (Encelia Farinosa)

Cape Honeysuckle (Tecoma Capensis)

Cape Plumbago (Plumbago Auriculata)

Carolina Cherry Laurel (Prunus Caroliniana)


Cleveland Sage (Salvia clevelandii)

Creosote Bush (Larrea Tridentata)

Crown of Thorn (Euphorbia Mili)

Red Chokeberry (Photinia Pyrifolia)

Desert Milkweed (Asclepias subulata)

Duranta Vine

Golden Dewdrop (Duranta Erecta)

Giant bird of paradise (strelitzia nicolai)

Green Carpet – Natal Plum (Carissa Macrocarpa)

Feathery Cassia

Firecracker Plant (Russelia Equisetiformis)


Flame of the Woods (Coccinea)

Firethorn (Pyracantha)

Fountain Grass (Pennisetum)

Nerium Oleander

Yellow Oleander (Cascabela Thevetia)

Japanese Privet (Ligustrum Japonicum)

Japanese Spindle tree

Lantana Variations

Lily Flax

Lily Flax (Variegated)

Little John (Callistemon viminalis)

MilkWeed (Asclepias syriaca)


Moringa (Moringa oleifera)


Indian laurel fig (Ficus nitida)


Paper Flower

Pencil Stick Tree


Pink Lady

Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora)

Regal Mist Grass


Ruella brittoniana

Society Garlic (Tulbaghia violacea)

Star Jasmine

Tecoma stans


Texas Ranger (Texas sage, Leucophyllum frutescens)

