Golden Barrel Cactus
A memorable and highly sought-after cactus found in many desert gardens, Golden barrel cactus has exploded in popularity due to the rise of Mid Century Modern and contemporary landscape designs.
Because of its very specific appearance, once you have identified this plant, you'll probably recognize it forever.
Read on for our landscaping tips and background information on the iconic Golden barrel cactus.
Botanical name: Echinocactus grusonii
Other names: Kroenleinia grusonii, Golden ball cactus, Mother-in-law's cushion, Golden barrel
Golden barrel cactus for sale at our nursery in 5 gallon containers
Golden Barrel Cactus Appearance
The most distinguishing features of the cactus are that which give the Golden barrel its name: the round or cylindrical shape and golden spines.
Golden barrel cactus can grow to an exceptional 3 feet in height and width but is commonly 1-2 feet in height and width in our gardens.
Golden spines run along the 30 or so vertical ribs, which glisten against the sun. Long and sharp spines.
Small yellow flowers emerge from fuzzy little patches that grow from the top, forming a ring. Yellow fruits and black seeds will appear thereafter.
The golden barrel has a clump-forming habit. As the plant matures, offsets will grow from the base.
Golden Barrel Cactus Landscaping Tips
The golden barrel is very popular in Mid Century Modern landscape designs here in Palm Springs both in commercial and residential settings.
This cactus has a very distinct shape and color. We recommend adding visual interest to the landscape by integrating it with plants of other shapes such as yuccas, agaves, and columnar cacti.
For a natural desert look, plant Golden barrels in groups in sandy or rocky areas, where the offsets will freely grow into clusters. You can also use large rocks to partially shade the cactus from intense desert heat.
For a more architectural or whimsical look, plant them so that they form neat lines.
You can also plant them in pots so that you can bring them indoors, which we recommend if you live in cooler regions.
Plant in masses to fully capture the effect of Golden barrels glistening in the sunlight.
Allow space for the cactus to grow. Golden barrel cactus grows moderately fast in the beginning and then slowly once mature. Also, be aware when planting near high foot traffic areas since they have long, prickly spines.
Bees and butterflies love this cactus when in bloom.
Golden Barrel Cactus Origin
Golden barrel cactus is native to central Mexico, where it adapted to drought and hot summers
Close up look at the Golden barrel cactus
Golden Barrel Cactus Care
Golden barrel cactus is very easy to grow in Palm Springs and other warm regions.
Soil: Loose, well-draining soil that is lightly fertile.
Temperature: Can withstand temperatures down to 20 degrees for a short period of time. Does well in the heat.
Water: Occasional, deep watering. Allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. Either use a moisture meter or stick your finger through the soil to gauge the moisture level. It’s better to err on the side of underwatering than overwatering.
Sun: Full sun or partial shade in the Coachella Valley
Golden Barrel Cactus Problems
Pests: Fungal diseases from root rot, dry rot, and harsh weather conditions. Pests include spider mites and mealybugs.
For spider mites, control the infestation as soon as it’s discovered. Some options are horticultural oil applied several days apart as well as insecticidal soap combined with hydrogen peroxide.
To remove mealybugs, use insecticidal soap or apply rubbing alcohol directly to the area of the infestation using a cotton swab.
Whenever using any kind of pesticide, be aware that it can damage the plant if the temperatures are in the 80s or above.
Signs of overwatering: Drooping, squishy texture (especially at the bottom of the cactus)
Signs of too little water: Shriveling, drying skin
Signs of too much sun: Burning, scarring, fading color
Signs of too little sun: Etiolation, discoloring
We have a very large inventory of Golden barrel cacti, which is one of our most popular plants
Golden Barrel Cactus Propagation
The easiest method is to transplant offsets that grow from the base of the mother plant.
Otherwise, wait for the cactus to mature and bloom. Collect seeds once fruits emerge.
How much does a Golden barrel cactus cost?
At our nursery, Golden barrels cost $15 for 1-gallon containers, $35-45 for a 5-gallon container depending on diameter, $75-120 for a 15-gallon container depending on height, and $175-225 for a 24" box. A slight price adjustment if there are multiple plants growing in the same container.
Prices are subject to change. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information on pricing. We may have larger sizes available. We provide installation services locally at a separate cost.
Does golden barrel cactus flower?
Yes. Small yellow flowers emerge from fuzzy little patches that grow from the top of the Golden barrel cactus.
Golden barrel cactus flowers
How big does a golden barrel cactus get?
Golden barrel cactus can grow to an exceptional 3 feet in height and width but is commonly 1-2 feet in height and width in our gardens.
Why is the golden barrel cactus endangered?
Although Golden barrels are commonly seen in the Southwest here in the US, it's endangered in their original habitat. Urban developments such as the creation of the Zimapan Dam in Hidalgo, Mexico have significantly reduced its population.
SIZE (H X W) | 2-3 feet |
FLOWER SEASON | Spring to Summer |
EXPOSURE | Full Sun |
WATER | Low |
HARDINESS | 35º F, USDA Zone 10 |
PRUNING | None |